Dear HansMan ! The mystery as to what happened to your house shoe has been solved. Check out the video at the bottom of this post.
Many pet owners will spend New Year's Day looking for their beloved fur babies. Shelters report that New Year's Day and The Fourth of July are when they are full of scared run aways. . . mostly dogs.
Dogs and cats are able to hear fireworks that are miles away because of their amplified hearing. Because of that they can still sense the noise even when a human can faintly hear it.
Holidays like New Year’s Eve and the Fourth of July are the days when most pets get lost due to them running away from fear.
These sounds trigger their nervous system, causing them to become afraid or anxious. The bright flashes and smells from fireworks can have an overwhelming effect on pets.
Distressed pets exhibit symptoms that vary from one animal to another. On a general level, they may drool, pant heavily, or attempt to escape. While these signs are easy to pick up on, there are more subtle ones a pet owner should observe.
Toileting in the house is a symptom. The pet may also be overly restless for unexplained reasons. No matter what you try, calming them when already distressed may take a long time. Cats tend to hide from the source of distress, while rabbits may keep still and thump the ground heavily with the back feet.
Dogs left outside will possibly scale a fence, dig under it, or break a leash to escape a sound they hear that may be miles away, but they sense it is in their backyard. Therefore, they run from it.
Fireworks phobia is a common occurrence in pets around New Year’s Eve. If left unchecked, it can escalate into full-blown fear where even the slightest thud throws the pet in anxiety mode.
A Few Tips:
Be sure the dog or cat is micro-chipped. Check with the company that all the information is up to date. Micro-chipping is crucial as it increases the chances of being reunited with your pet should they get lost. If your pet is not micro-chipped, this should be on your 2021 To Do List ! Identification tags on collars are important and should have license, rabies information, vet information, owner's name, phone numbers, address, etc. Many times if a pet escapes, the collar sometimes comes off. This is why micro-chipping is important.
It’s advisable to have preparatory measures in place before the fireworks begin. Take the time to walk your dog before dusk. A pleasant long walk will wear the dog out.
If the dog is exhausted as the fireworks begin, he’ll be less prone to panic because of the sound.
Walk your dog with the leash on. Remember that even the best-behaved dog can get frightened and take off.
Keep the house secure for your dog to prevent him from running away when the fireworks go off. A safe and comfortable hiding place within your home will help in easing his suffering. Keep your dog company during this “hiding” period to prevent him from panicking.
Keep the curtains closed in the area you intend to keep the dog. Turn on some light soothing music on radio or TV to lessen the effect of the sound from the fireworks. You could also keep the dog occupied by playing games until the fireworks have ended.
If the dog needs to go out for a potty break, put him on a leash and stay with him. One loud bang and he is gone !
Some dog owner have found that Thunder Shirts work well.
Animal welfare organizations recommend keeping your cat indoors during fireworks. In the same way you calm a dog, you can comfort a cat by putting on some calming music during the fireworks. Ensure your cat stays indoors by blocking off your cat flaps. Keep the curtains closed and allow your cat to roam around the house or put it in a safe place.
Small Animals
If you have a pet in the form of a rabbit or guinea pig, you also need to consider its safety. If you keep them in a cage or pen outside, you could consider one of two available options. You could either move them indoors or have their cages soundproofed.
Soundproofing the cages doesn’t have to be costly or a huge project. Simply covering them with heavy blankets will do the trick twofold. It will prevent the flashes and keep the firework sounds muffled.
Alternatively, move the cages to the garage or shed. Increase their beddings to increase their safety and make them feel snug.
In case your pet gets too stressed there is a possibility to get prescribed medicine from a veterinarian for anxiety. This can help them. There are also new CBD products that veterinarians are prescribing for anxiety in animals.
Give them a new toy and a special treat and play a soothing sound. Pair good things with the noise and it will hopefully help them out for next year.