Yesterday was International Dog Day. I thought about all the dogs that have been a part of my life : Tippy, a mutt, my first dog when I was about four, White Shadow, a Samoyed, when I was about nine, Mitzi, a black chihuahua, when I was about 12-20, (she lived with my mom and dad when I went to college), Snoopy, a white Pekingese, with me during college, Tarzan and Jane, Airedales, during my early 20's, another Tippy, a Sheltie Collie, late 20's,Boone (Pickens), a black Cocker Spaniel, Chamois, a Shih tzu, another Tippy, a Sheltie Collie. After marrying Hans: Max a half pit bull -half Boxer . . . All the rest have been Boxers: Junior June Bug, Bubba Boo Boo, June Bug, Ginger (Sissy Boo), Lola Cherry Cola . . . all who have gone on to the Rainbow Bridge.
Now, there's Stella and PeekaBoo
The following post was published on January 14, 2007. Creating it was my way of dealing with my grief.
Junior, one of our Boxers, was diagnosed with lymphoma two months ago and has been undergoing chemo treatments here and also at Colorado State University. He has been a valiant warrior, never once whining or complaining. Hans and I vowed that when his quality of life became compromised, we would make that decision to have the vet come to the house and let him sleep. We hoped that Junior would just go to sleep on his own so that we would not have to make that call, but that was not to be. For the last two days, Junior has stayed in the house and would only venture outside at our urgings. This morning was different. He headed out the doggie doors on his own which gave our hearts a bit of a leap, thinking his lethargy and lack of appetite was due to the chemo, not the cancer. We never gave up hope. We both grabbed coats and gloves to follow him. Immediately, we realized what Junior was doing. He was making his last rounds to all his old haunts for a final good-bye. Bubba, his brother, and June Bug, his daughter, made every step with him. (Bug came to live with us from her home in WY. Our daughter has a 6 week-old daughter, 2 year-old son, and husband in Iraq. Bug was too much to handle.) I grabbed my camera for some last shots of Junior to post them today, along with a few from last evening. I guess this is my way of mourning the loss of a best friend. In a sense, a way to honor him. Yes, I know there are children in our World starving, being abused at this very minute, and dying of catastrophic diseases. I do try to keep my priorities straight. I am thankful that all our children are contributing citizens to society and that our grandchildren are healthy. But, today I grieve in my own way. I would imagine that Junior's first stop was at Sesame Street to pick up several Elmo's for his friends: Max, Daisy, Tippy, Hershey, Walker, Hi-C, and Roxie.
Last evening, Bubba gave Junior his daily bath. Bubba knew something was wrong from the git-go.
Bubba was very generous with the drool as evidenced by the wetness of Junior's fur and on his collar. Junior did his share of bathing others. last photo together for the best buddies who had so much in commonality, being sprayed by a skunk, on different occasions...Junior and Bubba have never been apart for 8 years, even on overnight stays at the vet's. Except maybe for a few times they ran away from home and terrorized the neighborhood for a few hours. Actually, there was this cute little poodle...
...Junior's and Bubba's favorite spot in the whole world with their favorite two 'people'...theHansMan and Elmo...
Junior loved sitting on people and his brother. He also loved kids.
His first stop was at the tree that houses many gambel quail...Junior was told only once not to chase them...June Bug is still learning...
Junior continues his memory walk...
The rabbits congregated around these trees. Just one last check to see if Roger or Peter are there for their morning chat. One rabbit chatted a little too long on this day.
One of Junior's favorite past-times was chasing lizards out of this ivy. Many of them did survive but usually without their tails.
Junior paused here for one last dig in the dirt. He always thought there was something "under there," and today was no different.
...a time to reflect on sending many an animal scurrying up that hill for fear of being eaten is where the coyote met his fate early one morning...
...his memory walk continued with Bubba and Bug accompanying him...
...he checked all the briars, and he checked all the brambles, and he checked all the bushes where a rabbit wouldn't go...
...a stop at the rocks, another favorite lizard hang-out...
He finally ran out of energy and sat down to survey all the terrority that was his. He knew it was his. He had marked every square inch of it.
...the true definition of Unconditional Love...
...saying good-bye...his journey had ended...
**Elmo Softly Sings**
"Goodnight Friend
The day is at an end
When we can dream - about the things - we love to do
Elmo and you
Good Night Friend
Good Night, Junior..."
JUNIOR September 21, 1998 - January 2, 2007