Aint: A sister of one of your parents
Pore Aint EstherBelle. She's an old mayud. She's been kissed goodbye mower tayums than she's been kissed goodnight.
Ammo: Song
Ammo 'ole cowhand from the Rio Grande.
Asphalt: Passing the Buck
If yore donkey is stubborn, no need to blame yoreself. It's yore asphalt.
Asthma: Possessive Pronoun
Asthma wife yore cozyin' up to.
Bidness: Enterprise
He sayd he was on a bidness trip. His wife wasn't convinced it wuz bidness.
Bobwhar: Fencing material
Climbing over bobwhar is tough on yore britches.
Bubb: Oval shaped light provider
How many men does it take to change a layt bubb?
Claire: Good visibility
On a claire day yew can see furever.
Camphor: A place to toast marshmallows
Best thang about them hikes wuz sittin' around the camphor swappin' stories.
Cinnamon: Observe
Shore ah know who Tom Hanks is. I cinnamon on TV.
Cayut: Domesticated feline
Our cayut brought in a dead mouse last nayht.
Farm: Application
If yew want this job, yew'll havto fill out this farm.
This is the first dozen . . .
Plays feel free to add yore own.
Okra can be cooked any number of ways . . . roasted, fried, baked, sauteed, stewed, grilled, put in soups, gumbo, salads, . . . it can be pickled and curried.
I love okra anyway you cook it . . . or NOT:
My favorite way to eat okra is raw with salt and pepper.