Continuing my effort to edgeucate readers with these vocabulary words and thayre usage. ..
And an exercise in finding the hidden object in this photo.
Favor: thermometer reading
I don't feel too good. I got a favor. Mah temperatoor is 101.
Fayer: with justice and honesty
All's fayer in luv and wahr.
Farr: combustion producing heat and flame
It wuz cold so we built a farr in the farrplace.
Fanger: any of the five jointed parts of the hand
If yore hitchin' a ride, the bes' fanger to use is yore thumb.
Flarz: blossoms
Remember to bring flarz on yore anniverseeary.
The waff you save may be yore own.
Fillings: emotions
Yew hurt mah fillins'.
Fems: movies
Ahh unnerstand yew goin' to Hollywood to go into fems.
Givitcheer: hand it over
Let me have all yore money . . . givitcheer.
Goffer: person who plays golf
Arnul Pommer was a goffer who thought he was in a slump when he only shot pahr.
Griyuts: coarsely ground corn or wheat
Most Sutherners like to eat griyuts.
Grain: a color
Cuzin' Bobby Joe drank so much moonshine, he tarned grain.
Hominy: an aid to arithmetic, sorta like ciphering
By adding two and two, yew find out hominy yew got.
Answer to Hidden Picture: Snayke: (Pronounced with two syllables) reptile.
My mom would have said, "She's so lazy, she wouldn't hit a lick at a snayke if it was going to bayht her.
After this lesson, you should be speaking with some sort of a Suthern' Drawl.