Wednesday ~ July 25, 2012

Gammy and I ate brunch at Main Street Cafe at downtown Grand Junction.
Her brunch consisted of three strips of bacon and a glass of milk.

When we were eating brunch we sat at a fountain and I looked up and pretended I was drinking the water.
And my mommy said she was glad the fountain wasn't peeing.
My mommy is very, very silly.
Her mommy is very, very silly.

By the toy store there is a sculpture of a frog and Gammy wanted me to kiss it to see if it would turn into a prince.
It didn't.
I tried to convince her to stand on the pedestal and kiss the frog on the lips, but she would have no part of that.

We are at a the toy store and it's one of my favorite places to go in Grand Junction.
The shopping experience this time took about an hour because she had to use HER $6.00 to buy what she wanted. It was the $6.00 she won at the baseball game from Pops.

We were walking along the street and I am getting ready to eat this fake ice cream cone.
I didn't really eat it.
She made sure I wrote that she really didn't eat it so no one would think that she did.

We went to go see Katy Perry the movie, "Part of Me."
My favorite part was when she sang, "Firework."
My least favorite part was when she was crying because she got divorced with her husband because she was on one side of the world and he was on the other.
I have never been a big Katy Perry fan, but after seeing the movie, I like her more than I did.

Gammy and I are at the movie and we have our 3-D glasses on.
At least my wrinkles don't show in the photo.

This is Riggs Hill.
A dinosaur died on it and there is a clay dinosaur spine where the dinosaur died.
It was a brachiosaurus.
If you've ever been to Chicago O'Hare Airport, Concourse B, you have seen the dinosaur found here. See Discovery and History on this link.

While we were driving around Riggs Hill we saw baby quail trying to get up the curb.
The mama tried to show them how to jump up on the curb and the babies were trying but they were too small.
This is the name of these quail.

Gammy turned the van round to turn them around so they wouldn't go into the busy traffic.
Herding quail with a van is not easy.

My grandpa called me on the phone and I am talking to him.

We are feeding the critters.
Thank goodness there is fifty pounds of millet in the container.

I am throwing critter food into the air.
She learned this technique from her mother.

After we fed the critters we sat on the window and watched the critters.
Lola is sitting next to me.
The dog-snot-art is visible if you look closely.

We saw a bunny.
This is a quail block but the bunny doesn't know that.

And then we saw a ground squirrel.
The contraption in the water dish is NOT a trap.

And then we saw another ground squirrel that was putting food into his cheeks to save for the winter when he hibernates.
Can you see how fat his cheeks are ?
This ground squirrel has packed away about one-hundred pounds of millet this summer.

We also saw a quail.
Do you know what kind of quail this is ?
Evidently this quail has not read the bird book that says they do not eat out of feeders.
Hint: It's the same type of quail we herded in the van.

And then we saw another bunny and this time the bunny is drinking out of the thing-a-ma-jig.
I love that she has the word thing-a-ma-jig in her vocabulary.
Addendum to yesterday:

I won $6.00 at this Grand Junction Rockies game from Pops.
She was ready to leave during the sixth inning, but because it was a great game, Pops invented some games to keep her interested so we could stay until it was over.
Can you spell g-a-m-b-l-e ?

My gammy bought this cap for my daddy.
Since her dad is an avid Texas Rangers fan, we decided to buy him the less obnoxious BRIGHT PURPLE Rockies cap and go with the black with purple letters.