The most common question coming my way lately has been, "Do you think you'll have a problem turning 60?"
Before I share my answer, I'll share this.
Twenty years ago I wasn't sure I would see my 41st birthday, much less my 60th !
At the time, I was going through a devastating divorce and receiving ample doses of Adriamyacin and Cytoxin. My weight was a whopping 98 pounds and dropping daily. There wasn't a hair on my head...including eyebrows or eyelashes. My mouth and esophagus were filled with horrible blisters. After several rounds of that Red Devil Kool-Aid Chemo-Cocktail, I was faced with over 40 radiation treatments. About the only thought in my head was that I was determined to show my two daughters I would kick cancer's ass. (Pardon my French.) Not that I did it alone. There was an army of people in my support system, including my girls, and wonderful doctors surrounding me, but the stubborness that seemed to be floating in my DNA, provided an attitude of not giving up.
So, to answer that question above. . . "I am loving turning 60 ! "
It has taken over half-a-century, but I have now accepted that:
my eyebrows are just confused and now grow out of my chin. Another excuse for a waxing and a facial.
there are more age spots and moles dotted around my body. That calls for regular massages so the therapist can inform me of any significant changes.
the melanin, more precisely the eumelanin, in my hair disappeared several years ago, and I'm closer to being a blonde than ever in my life. (Silver is the new blonde in my book. I gave up spending money and time on dying it every six weeks.)
my eyesight is not even close to being 20/20, but my arms seemed to have grown longer.
AAADD (Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder) is not such a bad thing. When I end up in a room and can't remember why I'm there, I just clean it.
most of the time I can find my glasses. There are generally at least 2 pair on my head at all times, even while I sleep.
my supply of brain cells is now down to a manageable size and my right brain and left brain no longer communicate with each other anymore and I really don't notice or care.
it's ok to share secrets with my friends. They can't remember them anyway.
it's not unusual to be carded. Not that I look younger than 21, but to prove I qualify for the discount.
my hot flashes will probably never go away. But, I can predict where the jet stream is because I control it. And speaking of weather, my left knee and right thumb are better predictors of weather than the meterologist.
I'll never be back in the classroom. This was a place that I loved dearly.
being able to sing the words to songs playing in the elevator isn't such a bad thing. At least I can remember some of the words.
people expect less and less of me. Like . . . remembering anything . . .running anywhere. . . remembering anything. . . staying up late, like past 7:00. . . remembering anything. What was the question ?
when reading a book, sometimes (more often than not), I have to read a page several times to remember what I've read. I haven't started a new book in two months because I'm still on page 24 of "The Hare with the Amber Eyes." And while we're on the subject of BOOKS, I love holding a book in my hands and turning the pages and fanning the pages and smelling them. Kindles, and Nooks, and iPads are great especially when traveling. But when I'm home, I want a book. A real book.
peoples' opinions of me really don't matter. I don't allow toxic and judgemental people to live rent free in my head.
my grandchildren can find things faster on the iPad than I can.
I will never be fluent in a foreign language, will never commit to memory all of Für Elise, will always have a love-hate relationship with my PC and my Apple, will usually spend an ample part of Yoga sessions in the Child's Pose, never be a master gardener. But, I will continue to learn Spanish, practice the piano, take computer lessons, attempt Inversion Poses, continue to dig in the dirt, plant things and try to keep them alive.
many people my age have lost their sense of humor. Therefore, I'll just continue to laugh at myself. They say that angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.
I am a little bit crazy. Being sane is boring. Besides, being a little bit crazy keeps other people on their toes. They never know what to expect.
slowing down is ok. Speed is the enemy of nearly everything in life that really matters. It's addictive and undermines quality, compassion, depth, creativity, appreciation and real relationships. This seems to be true because the hurrider I go the behinder I get.
my dogs probably like me more than most people. That's ok because I like my dogs more than some people.
two of my favorite quotes are, "Whatever you are willing to put up with is exactly what you will have," AND "Never pass up the opportunity to shut up." (This includes unsolicited advice for my girls.)
opening childproof containers poses no problem. I keep a hammer and hack saw in my kitchen now.
looking for something is a daily occurence. It's reassuring to know whatever it is I'm looking for is in a secure place.
And finally, I have accepted myself exactly the way I am. That I will always try to learn and grow. (Evidently, according to the scales, I have the growing part down pat.)
And also, I've decided to go bra-less. It tends to pull down the wrinkles off my face and neck.
And speaking of bras, this post cannot be typed without reminding those of you who use them, it's very important to do self-examinations on a monthly basis and to have regular mammograms. If you're not sure when to start mammograms, call your doctor and find out. If you are due a mammogram, go get one this coming week.
Just as sure as I'm sitting here typing today, I can assure you that self-exams save lives.
I'm living proof ! Sixty years of living proof.