When the gal at the front desk informed my SiL after our first hike that there was a Great Horned Owl in one of the cliffs, it was inevitable that we would certainly go on another hike the next day.
Not sure just exactly what time we left our Cliff House, but it was before breakfast, but not before coffee.
Once again, we headed DOWN the hill (and I'm thinking this hill isn't going to be any less steep coming back up than it was yesterday).
Both my daughter and I were hoping it was the one without any snakes.
It was the Waterfall Trail.
And this is the cliff where the Great Horned Owl dwells.
But in order to have the best vantage point for viewing, one must continue walking, slipping, sliding on one's derriere to make it to the bottom of this canyon.
And yes, you don't have to remind me, I have on Uggs !
Not the best footwear for this type activity.
Please notice he is proceeding down the hill.
Please notice her body language.
Please notice he is continuing down the hill.
Please notice she has not moved an inch.
Please notice the look on her face.
The photo does not do the incline justice !
Nor does it show the rocks that tend to roll under the feet when stepped on.
This photo should explain how steep this hill really is.
And I'm still thinking, "We have to climb UP this hill at some point in our day."
Hint: It's on the lower crevice.
See it ?
Now, you are thinking...is this as close a shot as you're going to get ?
This is as close a shot as I can get with my lens.
So, if you're now thinking it's not a close-up enough shot, feel free to mail me a new and bigger and better lens. (Canon)
Look very carefully, because the next photo has the owl circled in red.
We waited for quite some time, hoping it would take flight, but no such luck.
We finally made it back up that hill without incident to more solid, level ground.
The photos just don't do the views justice.
The layers and layers and layers in the photo above have something to do with THIS.
This is when you need HansMan, the geologist to explain.
Finally, back to civilization among the grapevines and their shadows.
There are yurts nestled in and among the vineyards.
Even though they are equipped with indoor bathrooms, we chose to stay in a Cliff House.
. . . it was time to visit the Cave B Winery for a little taste of their grape juice.
Back to the main lodge to check out and continue our adventure elsewhere.
There are some very special memories of this place !