Seems like it's been a *month of Sundays since there has been a legitimate post here.
(*Hyperbolically speaking, that literally means thirty weeks, so I exaggerate.)
There are many good reasons for not posting. Here are my reasons in outline form:
(believe what you may)
I. Preparing for visit from oldest daughter and son-in-law)
A. This includes everything from winterizing the sprinkler system,
to putting a new battery in the van, to planting bulbs for spring,
to cleaning the corral fire pit. . .
B. The above mentioned have nothing to do with what actually needs
to be done prior to their visit, but there's nothing like having company
to motivate finishing procrastinated projects
II. Suffering from the prolifically blooming sage brush and rabbit brush
A. Who installed the sand paper under my eye lids ?
B. Why does my nose drip like a faucet one minute and clogs up the next?
1. One nostril will be obstructed and the other open
2. Almost simultaneously, nostrils switch job descriptions
a) Neti pot, neti pot, neti pot
b) Lotsasnot, lotsasnot, lotsasnot
III. AnodeMan had another knee replaced (thank goodness he only has two)
A. Surgery on Monday at 10:00 a.m. (walked outside at 3:00 p.m.)
1. Dr. Huang says he is the best patient he's ever had
2. The nurses think he's a riot
B. Home on Tuesday and at work on Thursday
1. There are 14 steps up to our bedroom.
2. He maneuvers them amazingly well
C. I got my flu shot
1. It didn't hurt . . . until later
2. I would really like to whine, but considering Hans has a new knee,
maybe not
At this point, I must digress with this conversation:
Him: Why didn't you answer your cell phone ?
Me: It didn't ring.
Him: I called you several times to come pick me up at the office and take me home.
Me: You said one of the guys at the office would bring you home.
Him: I changed my mind.
Me: (thoughts of being a blankety-blank mind reader were not verbalized)
Him: When you didn't come after me, I started calling you.
Me: Well, I never heard it ring.
(He calls my cell phone. Nothing. No ringy-ding-ding.)
Him: Speaking of phones, your new one is on the table.
Me: Did you, by chance, activate the new one, thereby de-activating my old one ?
Him: **silence**
IV. Aliens entered our house through the chimney
A. They hid my glasses.
1. My prescription glasses.
2. My only prescription glasses.
B. I looked everywhere and called all the places I had been that day
1. My close-up world was blurry
2. Paying for new glasses was not on my list of things to do
a) I finally found them
b) They were hidden in my glasses case.
V. And then there's the World Series
A. Go Rangers
B. Oops
VI. . . . to be continued in Game SEVEN !