There's not much rhyme or reason to this post except that all the photos were taken in New York City...
A blonde man notices the popularity of ice fishing in Grand Junction somewhere colder, and decides to try it for himself. Determined to take the sport up properly, he heads to the library gets on the Internet, and Googles everything he can on the topic. Armed with a list of items needed for ice fishing gear, he heads to the nearest REI to pick out top-notch equipment.
The next day, the man heads to the nearest frozen pond and begins to set up the stool he had purchased. Settling in, he reaches for his saw and begins to cut a hole through the ice.
Booming from above comes a voice: "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE!!"
Jumping back, the man looks all around, but he's alone on the ice.
A bit disturbed, he moves about 20 feet down the pond, sets up his stool, and begins to saw again.
Again comes the voice: "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE!!"
Once again, he looks around, but just as before, there's not a soul in sight. He decides to move clear to the other end of the pond, as far from the voice as possible.
This time, just as he settles down on the stool, before he has even reached for the saw, he hears the booming voice again: "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE!!"
Trembling now, he calls out in a timid voice, "Is that you, Lord?"
"NO", replies the voice, "I'M THE ICE SKATING RINK MANAGER."

The photos above were taken ONE second apart ! Yes, those five photos were taken in FIVE seconds.
You scrolled back up there, didn't you ? You did the math didn't you ? A bit disconcerting, huh ?

Don't block the box !

How do you get to Carnegie Hall ?
Practice. Practice. Practice.

Amazing that the reflection of the buildings is clearer than the buildings themselves.
By the way, we have now entered Central Park.

City Ducks

I just like the way this photo looks.

This photo was not taken with a zoom. I was actually this close to Mr. Squirrel.

I like this photo, too.

Mr. Geologist checking out the rocks.

There are some really tall buildings in New York City. There are more people in those buildings than live in my hometown.
That's a pretty famous hotel...we'll see it again in a few minutes as soon as we walk to the other side.

More really tall buildings

You're humming the Theme from Rocky, aren't you ?

My feet are saying, "Please, take a buggy back to the hotel."

I think the guy in the first photo is down there ice fishing. I've never understood why anyone would want to fish for ice.

These guys were singing, "Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho," and they were great.

Count the "geometrical lines" in this photo.

Just another day in Central Park.

Nope. The photo doesn't need to be rotated.

If you look real closely at The Plaza Hotel...

. . . you can see Charlie Sheen tossing things out the window.

There's nothing like the smell of chestnuts roasting burning on an open fire.

Or this smell...actually, this didn't smell. The HansMan told me what this was, but I forgot. It comes up from the Subway.

My neck has begun to hurt after looking up so much of the day.

There's that tree again...naked.

St. Patrick's Cathedral. Don't you just love the different types of architecture ? I think William and Kate should get married here. That might cause a wee bit of a stir in England, don't you think ?

Red. White. and Blue.

Home !

Are your feet hurting ? Well, they should be. We just walked from the Rockefeller Center to 44th Avenue to 77th Avenue and then through Central Park and back from 77th Avenue back to 44th Avenue. (My little toes are screaming at me. "These Boots Were Made For Walking," but I may never wear them again.)