You have met my little cousin, Benjamin, before when he was surrounded by some colored eggs and also at his first birthday party. (Clink the links.)
This week, he and his mommy stopped by for a visit.
The following photos, with the help of Benjamin, tell the story of what happens when a one-year-old finds a water hose...
Hey, Mom ! Look what I found !
This cold water doesn't bother me at all.
Wow ! Look what happens when you hold your thumb over the end of the hose. . .
. . .or wave it in the air . . .
. . .or point it toward your face !
I think Cousin Kathy's plants might need a little more water.
Her deck needs some more water, too.
Do you think I can get my shirt any wetter than this ?
Wonder if Ginger will like this water as much as I do ?
. . . spray her in the face. Yup ! Got 'er.
See. She's saying, "More, Benjamin. More."
Sheesh ! What kind of scary face is that, Ginger ?
P-f-f-f-f-f ! I don't need to take these clothes off. They aren't wet at all ! My shoes might be a little bit squishy, though.