If you don't have about f.o.u.r. minutes, just stop reading and move on. (When you do have an extra four minutes, come on back. It will be four minutes you'll never get back, but it will be worth wasting them.) If you do, and you want a smile to replace that frown on your face, or maybe to giggle just a little, or perhaps laugh a lot...then keep reading.
First of all, you may be asking yourself, "Self, what does a Nestle Crunch Bar and the photos following this one have to do with each other."
Since you appear to still be reading, willing to waste your time, here's where the smile(s) can happen:
A. Call the Nestle Taste You Already Love Is Now Even More Scrumptious Hot line at 1-800-295-0051.
(If it's busy, immediately try again TWICE...one call after another. The third time will be the charm.)
B. When
asked if you want to continue in English or Spanish, wait quietly for
about 10 seconds
(Ust-Jay Rye-tray Ought-nay Ooh-tay Mile-say. Eye-yay Air-day Ooh-yay.) (Any Pig Latin enthusiasts want to translate that ?)
C. Keep going and press 4. Listen to
all choices,
D. Press 7 to see how these photos relate to each other.
E. Of course, all the other choices are well worth your time, too:
1. Knock Knock Joke
2. Back Yard Game of Catch
3. Bubble Wrap
4. Cannon Ball Off the Diving Board
5. Nougee Given to Co-Worker
6. Affection Between Boy & Girl
7. ???
So, what other productive activities are planned for the rest of your day ?
Don't forget, it's St. Patrick's Day...are you wearing green ?