Well, well, well ! Look at all these bloggers who signed up for a Fun Monday that is being hosted right here at The Asylum.
Not only did they sign up, but many of them signed up before the spell was cast. What a brave lot of bloggers they are.
I'm not going to spend much time explaining what the challenge was because they were given permission to not follow THE RULES !
But, there are always those who "mind their manners" and do as they are told. Those are the blogs where you will find something posted about the ABC's.
Then, there are those who leave comments like this one. And, I'm sure what Nekked Lizard Man has so succinctly said here, echoes what most of you think about my Fun Monday challenges, Tags, and MeMe's... and I quote, "Why is it that your Fun Mondays always remind me of a weekend binge, then trying to go back to work, but you can't find your keys and even if you could, your wallet was somehow left in your pants and washed, so you can't find the number to AAA due to the little paper is now all balled up, - since - when you walked out to your car, you found you had a flat...
Can you rename your Fun Mondays to "Just submit a number and that will suffice"? NLM
So, without further adieu, the curtain is rising, and I present you with the cast of characters who are ALL a few "blocks short of the alphabet" starring in today's Mon Funday:
DRUM ROLL PLEASE (Give it a listen !)
Robin (the pensieve one) OUR HOSTESS for March 31
Jo Beaufoix OUR HOSTESS for April 7
Nekked Leezards OUR HOST & HOSTESS for April 14
Chris B
Hula Girl at Heart
Aoj & the Lurchers
Shirley (help me here...I don't have a link for Shirley)
Sauntering Soul
Sandy (If you keep cornfoosin' me, I'm gonna whack you !)
Arkansas Songbird
Simply Jenn (typing with all the fingers on her left hand)
Ellen B
JulieBug (Be sure to sign up for her Thankful Thursday)
Chaotic Lisa
I.T. Guy
Kitten Katie
Hootin' Anni (Please ! Please ! Keep your clothes on !)
Swamp Angel 65
Baba Night Owl
Jenn V
Here is an ABC idea from my days in the classroom:
This is a little book that can be used to record memories. It is especially useful for children when traveling or just as a "journaling technique." List names of people, places, events, phone numbers, restaurants, draw illustrations, etc. in ABC order. Different trips can be dated and color-coded, and the book can be used many times. Makes a great reference book for later. I find these at Barnes & Noble or Borders, and they cost about $4.00.
Or, a sheet of lined paper with the ABC's listed down the pages works just fine. These pages can be titled, dated and kept in a 3-ring notebook. "Kids" like the idea of jotting down words or phrases instead of complete sentences. This teaches "note-taking" techniques with the use of key words.
Now, for the ASSIGNMENT today:
Post something about the ABC's.
A pangram is a sentence constructed using all the letters of the alphabet.
The most widely know example is: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Ideally, pangrams are short and do not contain proper names. A pangram is also known as a "holoalphabetic phrase."
A: A quart jar of oil mixed with zinc oxide makes a very bright paint.
B: Back in my quaint garden, jaunty zinnias vie with flaunting phlox.
C: Cozy sphinx waves quart jugs of bad milk.
D: Dental surgeon zaps sexual joker with quick-frozen valium.
E: Exquisite farm wench gives body jolt to prize stinker.
F: Five jumbo oxen graze quietly with packs of dogs.
G: Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil queen and jack-in-a-box.
H: Hark! Toxic jungle water vipers quietly drop on zebras fror meals.
I: I have quicly spotted the four women dozing in the jury box.
J: Just work for improved basic techniques to maximize your typing skill.
K: King Alexander was just partly overcome after quizzing Diogenes in his tub.
L: Lazy jackal from raiding zebec prowls the quiet cove.
M: Monique, the buxom coed, likes to fight for Pez with the junior varsity team.
N: Now is the time for all quick brown dogs to jump over the lazy lynz.
O: Opium frequently leads to bad palpitations, hazy judgement, and causes weak sex drive.
P: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
Q: Quick waxy bugs jump the frozen veldt.
R: Rowdy virgins have quite often been willingly picked for prized in juicy sex marathons.
S: Six boys guzzled cheap raw plum vodka quite joyfully.
T: The risque gown marked a very brazen exposure of juicy flesh.
U: Uphill jogging will tax pounding heart muscle very quickly: better to be lazy.
V: Vexed funky camp juggler quit show biz.
W: We could jeopardize six of the gunboats by two quick moves.
X: Xylophone wizard begets quick jive form.
Y: You go tell that vapid existentialist quack Freddy Nitzxche that he can just bite me, twice.
Z: Zelda quickly wove eight nubby flax jumpers.
Suggested reading: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
Very quickly & zealously, why don't just compose a pangram before exiting ?
...Or not.
At least say, hi.