FUN MONDAY #10 is being hosted by Tristan aka: Blackbeard. Go check out the other participants who woke up this morning.
Tristan asked this question, "How would you like to wake up?"
"When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet,"what's the first thing you say to yourself?"
"What's for breakfast?" said Pooh.
"What do you say, Piglet?"
"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet.
Pooh nodded thoughtfully. "It's the same thing," he said.
I like to wake up and find that my eyes open and can enjoy
the beauty of another sunrise. I love sunrises as evidenced by
the number of photographs posted here.
After stumbling around trying to find my camera to take pictures of
the sunrise, I head for the coffee pot. My coffee is strong enough
that my spoon will stand up in the cup. I love coffee so much, one of
my posts was dedicated to coffeeisms.
Since Pooh is on the subject of breakfast, I'll just share breakfast
with you. Breakfast is my favorite meal, so you might say I like to wake up to the smell of biscuits
baking. Biscuits are a staple in my diet. Any kind of
biscuits...frozen ones, out of the can, out of the Bisquick box, but
especially homemade sourdough Dutch Oven biscuits like these....
...or these
...or these with pecans in them...
...or these that are just plain 'ole
biscuits ...
or these that have cheese and jalapenos in them...
Then, there's the gravy that is
oh, so good on biscuits...
Gravy, gravy, gravy...I love to eat
it almost as much as I love
to try to make it...someday I'll post a couple of my gravy-making
experiences...ever heard of powdered sugar gravy?
Potatoes for breakfast ! Yum !
Yum! So yummy, they disappeared before the picture could be
taken. You'll just have to imagine how
good they tasted ...onions, green peppers, cheese...
This bowl-full of batter, and just
like magic, turned into mouth watering pancakes... pancakes that
have been drenched in butter and
homemade syrup... (brown sugar,
more butter, vanilla, pecans, and
a few ingredients the cook
wouldn't share...)
No words needed here.
Headed back for seconds.
Then just a little dessert.
Dessert ! Dessert ? For breakfast? Nothing like some warm bread
pudding for dessert at 8:00 in the morning.
COME AND GET IT !!! Oh wait,
there's nothing to come and get.
We ate it all.
At one time, all these Dutch
Ovens were full of campfire
cookin'... But wait, there might be
just a little gravy left...
Now, that we've had a hearty
breakfast with the minimun daily requirement of grease to last an
entire month, I'll go back to what Pooh said... "It's the same thing."
And, the sunrise? The sunrise represents to me the first day of the
rest of my life. . . a new beginning. A chance to make another
memory. How would I like to wake up?
Seeing another sunrise. (It's a pretty song. 180 seconds)
"Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long you miss them."
----William A. Ward
"We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise, if we have waited in the darkness."
May your day be bright with just the right amount of sunshine.