Because my new job is being in charge of a two year-old, blogging has fallen to the bottom of my list of things to do. Working at a computer is a fairly difficult job for me anyway. . . trying to figure out how to make things work and type with some sense of correctness, but when a 28 pound, wriggling, squirming, pushing every key on the keyboard -- type little person is sitting in my lap, I have decided to blog less and play more.
We don't know if the new baby is a boy or girl, so what is your guess? Here are the stats: Daddy comes from a family of 5 boys and 1 girl. There are 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters for that side of the family . Mommy comes from a family of 2 boys and 2 girls. There are 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters for that side of the family. This baby will break the tie for both sides of the family.What's your guess? A boy or a girl?
The rest is a post I started quite sometime ago when I decided to check my site meter for "Search Words." I didn't even know that option existed for a long time, but have since become interested in knowing how some people end up here. These are the most interesting "Googled" words that have brought readers to my site. (My apologies to law.) I would love to know why the person was googling that particular word or phrase and even more interested in knowing what s/he thought upon arriving here. I have listed three:
1) DubYaT - yes, that 'word' came in close to the most 'googled' word that directed the googler to my site. It also directed them to Pensieve and Once Upon a Blog. Evidently part of that word has something to do with chess and it's also a free online dating service. For me, that's my nickname for Willowtree: WT: DubYaT
2) GlobAsylum - another highly googled word. First, why would anyone google that word? And second, I'll probably stop using it because of where I ended up once I googled it...there is another blogger out there...well, if you're curious, you go find out what I'm talkin' 'bout.
3) Stubbon Zit - It took me awhile to remember why on Earth this would bring up my blog, as I have never posted anything about a stubborn zit...have had my share of them, but even posted about one. Then I remembered a comment made sometime back in August.
I'm sure this type of post has been done many times, by many bloggers, but for me, I'm just now having fun with it. If you have any interesting "search words," please share them.
Today's photo is of the Colorado National Monument.
Cast your ballot for: ____Boy ____Girl
Share your favorite Search Word(s).