Junior loves Tickle Me Elmo. He is pictured here with his Elmo that has been his "security toy" for over 3 years. (His first one lasted for 2 years.) He took very good care of both friends. Elmo giggled, wiggled, and said, "O-h-h-h, that tickles." Any other stuffed animal that comes to live at our house lasts about one week before being disemboweled by Junior. Every last bit of that stuffing is fastidiously removed, then the ever-lovin' daylights is shaken out of the poor creature. . .another new addition for the ever-increasing population for the stuffed animal graveyard. Junior is such a vicious-looking dog when he chases rabbits with Elmo dangling out of both sides of his mouth. When we arrive home, Junior always runs to find his Elmo and brings him to us. Unfortunately, when June Bug came to live with us last month, she kidnapped Elmo while Junior was sleeping. I'll not go into the gory details, but it was not a pretty sight. Junior is lonesome and looks everywhere for his old friend.
We have searched everywhere for just a plain 'ole "Tickle Me Elmo" to buy for Junior.
On E-Bay, I have found the 1oth Anniversary Elmo for a whopping $199.99, an Elmo wiggle chair, a Knows Your Name Elmo, an Elmo ball, and on and on. Many sites tell me that Tickle Me Elmo can only be found in stores. Which stores? When Hans travels, he always looks for one. He even bought one off E-Bay, but it was not as described, and it didn't wiggle and giggle.
If you can locate a "Tickle Me Elmo" for Junior, please give us the information with your comment.
Junior would really appreciate it. As many of you know, Junior has been diagnosed with lymphoma and has started a series of injections. The prognosis is not good, so we would love to hurry and find a Tickle Me Elmo for Junior.
We are prepared to purchase several and donate the extras to Toys for Tots.
Yesterday's Post: Thanks to everyone who suggested names for the grandbaby. It's always fun to know what favorite names others have for a new baby.
If the baby is a boy, his name will be Lucien Charles. (Charilie)
If the baby is a girl, her name will be Reese Elizabeth. (Reese)
Big brother is 2 year-old Harrison.
We are two days away from the due date.