Setting: son-in-law and daughter's house
(neat as a pin and clean as a whistle)
Characters: Catherine-our daughter-baby due in November
Harrison - 22 month old grandson
(their Daddy / husband - is serving in Iraq)
Junior and Bubba (our Boxers)
June Bug (Harrison's Boxer - Junior's daughter)
Gammy (Swampwitch)
Pops (Swampwitch's husband)
I'll not specify who said what...that's irrelevant, but you'll have
it figured out if you keep reading. No quotation marks have
been used - it's ALL "conversation."
Where's Harrison?
Eating dog food.
Junior's drinking out of the toilet.
Flush him a fresh 'bowl' of water, please.
Who let the dogs in?
I think it's 'Who let the dogs OUT?'
I'm serious, let those dogs out NOW !
Is there any more coffee?
There's dog slobber on the couch.
Don't worry, it'll dry.
EE - Y-E-W - Y-U-C-K-Y
Where's Harrison?
Drinking someone's coffee and sharing it with Bubba.
Whose coffee is it?
It doesn't matter, take the coffee away from the baby and Bubba.
Too late, they finished it off.
Where's the dog's bed?
Who locked the bathroom door? There's no one in there.
Use a toothpick.
For WHAT???
To unlock the door.
Where's the key?
There isn't one.
Someone better find a toothpick, NOW!
Who farted? EE-Y-E-W -EE Y-U-C-K-Y
One of the dogs.
Yeah, of the dogs.
Someone better find me a toothpick.
Who left the lid off the dog food can?
Doesn't matter. June Bug ate it all.
No, she didn't. Harrison helped her.
Where did all those pieces of foam rubber in the backyard
come from? . . . Hey, I found the dog's bed. . what's left of it.
Is there any more coffee?
No, Harrison and Bubba drank it all.
Where IS Harrison?
In the bathroom.
How'd he get in there?
He used a toothpick.
Is he taking a bath?
No, but his quilt is.
What's for breakfast?
Where's Gammy? (Swampwitch)
On the computer.
Get off the computer and fix breakfast.
Bite me.
Harrison has dog slobber in the hair.
It'll dry.
Who let the dogs in?
I think it's, "Who let the . . .
Don't even go there. Let those dogs out NOW !
So, now we know who let the dogs out.
Where's Harrison?
Sitting in what's left of the dog bed with Junior and Bubba.
Where's June Bug?
Eating foam rubber.
Where's Gammy? (Swampwitch)
Sitting in what's left of the dog bed with Junior, Bubba, and Harrison.
At least she's not eating foam rubber with June Bug.
Where's Dad? (Swampwitch's husband)
On the computer.
Why? He doesn't even know how to turn it on, much less use it.
Get off the computer.
Where's your blog?
My what?
I heard you had a blog.
It's not a blog. . . it's a GLOB.
What's that?
I'm not sure. . . ask WillowTree.
Who's WillowTree?
Some guy in Australia.
Where's Harrison?
Feeding yogurt to the dogs.
Dad, you've been here less that 18 hours. . .you've tried to
rearrange everything in my garage to my spice cabinet. . .
my house is trashed. . . your toiletries are sitting in the window,
your underwear in under the computer desk . . .
What's your point?. . . And, by the way we aren't leaving until
Monday night.
Silence. . . Dead Silence
End of Cacophony. . . for about 1 minute
(neat as a pin and clean as a whistle)
Characters: Catherine-our daughter-baby due in November
Harrison - 22 month old grandson
(their Daddy / husband - is serving in Iraq)
Junior and Bubba (our Boxers)
June Bug (Harrison's Boxer - Junior's daughter)
Gammy (Swampwitch)
Pops (Swampwitch's husband)
I'll not specify who said what...that's irrelevant, but you'll have
it figured out if you keep reading. No quotation marks have
been used - it's ALL "conversation."
Where's Harrison?
Eating dog food.
Junior's drinking out of the toilet.
Flush him a fresh 'bowl' of water, please.
Who let the dogs in?
I think it's 'Who let the dogs OUT?'
I'm serious, let those dogs out NOW !
Is there any more coffee?
There's dog slobber on the couch.
Don't worry, it'll dry.
EE - Y-E-W - Y-U-C-K-Y
Where's Harrison?
Drinking someone's coffee and sharing it with Bubba.
Whose coffee is it?
It doesn't matter, take the coffee away from the baby and Bubba.
Too late, they finished it off.
Where's the dog's bed?
Who locked the bathroom door? There's no one in there.
Use a toothpick.
For WHAT???
To unlock the door.
Where's the key?
There isn't one.
Someone better find a toothpick, NOW!
Who farted? EE-Y-E-W -EE Y-U-C-K-Y
One of the dogs.
Yeah, of the dogs.
Someone better find me a toothpick.
Who left the lid off the dog food can?
Doesn't matter. June Bug ate it all.
No, she didn't. Harrison helped her.
Where did all those pieces of foam rubber in the backyard
come from? . . . Hey, I found the dog's bed. . what's left of it.
Is there any more coffee?
No, Harrison and Bubba drank it all.
Where IS Harrison?
In the bathroom.
How'd he get in there?
He used a toothpick.
Is he taking a bath?
No, but his quilt is.
What's for breakfast?
Where's Gammy? (Swampwitch)
On the computer.
Get off the computer and fix breakfast.
Bite me.
Harrison has dog slobber in the hair.
It'll dry.
Who let the dogs in?
I think it's, "Who let the . . .
Don't even go there. Let those dogs out NOW !
So, now we know who let the dogs out.
Where's Harrison?
Sitting in what's left of the dog bed with Junior and Bubba.
Where's June Bug?
Eating foam rubber.
Where's Gammy? (Swampwitch)
Sitting in what's left of the dog bed with Junior, Bubba, and Harrison.
At least she's not eating foam rubber with June Bug.
Where's Dad? (Swampwitch's husband)
On the computer.
Why? He doesn't even know how to turn it on, much less use it.
Get off the computer.
Where's your blog?
My what?
I heard you had a blog.
It's not a blog. . . it's a GLOB.
What's that?
I'm not sure. . . ask WillowTree.
Who's WillowTree?
Some guy in Australia.
Where's Harrison?
Feeding yogurt to the dogs.
Dad, you've been here less that 18 hours. . .you've tried to
rearrange everything in my garage to my spice cabinet. . .
my house is trashed. . . your toiletries are sitting in the window,
your underwear in under the computer desk . . .
What's your point?. . . And, by the way we aren't leaving until
Monday night.
Silence. . . Dead Silence
End of Cacophony. . . for about 1 minute